Monthly Lawn Care Service For The Villages, Ocala, Gainesville and Central Florida Area
At Superior Services 1-800-PEST-CONTROL, we are committed to providing not only the best possible lawn care service, but the best results for your lawn in Ocala, The Villages, Gainesville and Central Florida area! We do this by servicing your lawn on a monthly basis. Most companies come every other month, or only 7-8 times per year. We service your lawn a minimum of 12 times per year to make sure we keep invading insects, disease and weeds to a minimum.
Weeds in Florida can be a constant problem. Another reason our monthly service sets us apart; less weeds!
Each and every time we provide our lawn care services we will inspect and treat for weeds, lawn fungus and pests as needed. Once we have your lawn under our program, weeds should continue to diminish as the lawn becomes fuller, greener and healthier. We make this our top priority!
Our 30 years of experience has taught us that too much can happen to a lawn in the 60 days between regular visits provided by others and being proactive in our lawn care treatments, ensure the best health for your lawn. We do this by using only the best products formulated specifically for Florida lawns. We use special fertilizers custom blended for not only the time of year, but the weather conditions as well. Florida weather can be inconsistent at best. Rain and temperatures may dictate what type and formula of products that we use. We are constantly striving to find the best products for use on our lawns!
We also work with each of our clients in maintaining a proper watering schedule. Too little water can create drought stress to the lawn which weakens the turf. Once this happens it becomes much easier for lawn destroying insects to infest. Also, too much water or watering at the wrong time of day can create fungus problems as well as wasted water, which is not only bad for the environment, but bad on your pocketbook as well! We strive very hard to find the right balance on each of our lawns to ensure the healthiest, fullest and most colorful lawn to give you the most return on your investment.
For our lawn care service in The Villages, Ocala, Gainesville and Central Florida area, as with all of our pest control services, you may call us with a question or concern at any time.